
The International Safety Foundation was formalized as a natural progression from donor and support activities undertaken over the past 15 years.  Parallel to work engagements in Low and Middle Income Countries, opportunities were available through official contacts to re-distribute serviceable police operational and traffic safety equipment to poorly equipped police, road safety agencies and health providers internationally.

Primary donors included Victoria Police, Queensland Police Service and VicRoads Road Traffic Authority.  Equipment has included enforcement equipment such as breathalysers, laser and radar speed measuring equipment, radio and communications equipment, police uniforms, illuminating beacons, flashlights and tape-recorders as well as traffic lights, pedestrian operated lights, signaling equipment, line marking equipment and road signs. Health equipment has included ¼ million protective facial masks divided between Sri Lanka and Ethiopia. More recently, container loads of medical and hospital equipment and hospital beds have been shipped to Ethiopia.

Recipient countries include Cambodia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.  All equipment has been provided for humanitarian purposes to assist in saving lives in the recipient countries, Organisations assisting in the re-distribution processes have been The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC), the World Health Organisation (WHO), AIP Foundation, CamSafe (Cambodia), Strategic Safety Solutions Pty Ltd (Australia) and MacTraffic Engineering (Ethiopia).

The Foundation is officially registered in Australia as a Charitable Organisation (2018) and an approved supplier for the National Disability Insurance Scheme 2018 for coaching (driver training) of learner drivers with disabilities to help them achieve an independent lifestyle, an opportunity not traditionally available. NGO Status is being sought in both Ethiopia and Cambodia.

The collegiate activities of the foundation members strive to broaden the support base to achieve continuous improvement and capacity building in recipient organisations as well as individual personal competence and development,